Marriot's Falls

Andrew Wellington

Marriot's Falls

Situated close to the Mt Field National Park, Marriott's Falls probably receive few visitors due to the fame of Russell Falls and others within the park. However they are well worth a visit and can be accessed along a well constructed track.
From the town of National Park, drive around 5km towards Maydena, passing through the township of Tyenna. Just past Tyenna is a signposted turnoff to Marriott's Falls to the right. Drive 1km to the bridge, after which there is an intersection. Turn right to access the start of the track. 4WD vehicles will have no problem with the 300m or so to the end of the road, but drivers of standard vehicles may prefer to park at the intersection.
From the end of the road, the track follows the river bank through forest before reaching an open field and the site of a ruined bridge (according to older Mt Field maps, this bridge still exists and is the start of the track). From the bridge, the track turns to the left and begins to climb gradually across the field, marked by occasional metal poles. At the top of the field, the track enters rainforest and climbs gently for around 1km to the base of Marriott's Falls. The falls make for an impressive site, surrounded by fallen logs, ferns and rainforest trees. Allow at least half an hour to explore the area around the base of the falls, as the many small creeks and moss covered logs required some care to negotiate.
After enjoying the falls, return to the start of the track by the same route. Total distance is around 5km, with a climb of 100m. Time taken will depend on the fitness of walkers and time spent at the falls, with two hours the minimum time recommended. The track is easy to follow and although a little muddy underfoot, there are no really boggy patches. Sturdy walking boots are recommended, but gaiters aren't necessary. The walk is mostly in forest affording good shelter, and is appropriate for all walkers.